Saturday, May 9, 2020

Mrs. Uma Mahajan I Voice Over Artist & Stage Anchor I SoilCup

Mrs. Uma Mahajan, voice over artist and a stage anchor.

A great human being and a fantastic team player. As a stage anchor she has participated in many musical shows, stage shows. She has also anchored a lot of corporate events. As a voice over artist she has contributed to many documentaries and advertisements.

In this video she also empathizes with the current situation where the whole world is going through a rough patch of Coronavirus. She expresses that by now we all know how to care of ourselves in these times. What many has lost in amidst the Coronavirus pandemic is courage. More than affected by Coronavirus, people are more affected by its fear.

In this video she requests the audience to shoo away the fear as these times will not stay. We have to bring back the courage that some of us are losing. We all have to fight this pandemic together. Those days are not far away when everything will be fine.

She will soon share her experiences and entrepreneurial journey in her next video
Stay Tuned !

#voiceoverartist, #stageanchor, #fantasticteamplayer, #musicalshows, #stageshows, #corporateevents, #documentaries, #advertisements, #Coronavirus, #pandemic, #experiences, #entrepreneurialjourney, #womenentrepreneur


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