Saturday, September 26, 2020

Committed to drive her social ventures after the grind of corporate life | Ms. Sapna Karthik

How a housewife is now committed to driving her social ventures after the grind of corporate life for 14 years | Ms Sapna Karthik, Etena Concepts

Click on the link below to watch her complete story

Sapna likes to commit herself to anything she takes up and this has been the driving force behind many of her social ventures. 

A successful housewife who has gone through the grind of corporate life for 14 years but, given it up to focus her energies on giving back to society. She has conceptualised many social awareness initiatives in an endeavour to bring about change in society through her brainchild "Etena Concepts". She had also spearheaded "The kindness week" in Hyderabad last year, known for spreading love and service.

She is an active member of many social organisations, like Ladies Circle, Rotary, Robinhood Army and has done many community service initiatives. Incidentally, she is the elected chairperson this year, for one of the Hyderabad chapters, Ladies Circle India.

She truly believes, there are many out there who indirectly touch our lives in many beautiful ways, and it is our duty to reciprocate, wherever

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Monday, September 14, 2020

How to build a successful Branding And Digital Marketing Business | Success Story Of Ms. Ritika Singh, CEO - Kontent Factory

 They believe that in the near future no one will even use the term ‘content marketing’; it will simply be how all brands to market. Just think about it: no content means, no website, SEO, social media, PR or advertising. 

Kontent Factory started their business in the year 2014 and today they have done more than 352 projects with 180 return customers. They are present globally today.

They are into prints and visuals, social and PR, websites, digital marketing, SEO and many more relevant services

#ritikasingh, #kontentfactory, #digitalmarketing, #digitalmarketingcourse, #marketing, #content, #socialmediamarketing, #digitalmarketingagency, #digitakmarketingcompanies, #inboundmarketing, #digitalmarketingstrategy, #whatissocialmedia, #socialmediamarketingagency, #digitalmarketingconsultant, #whatiscontent

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

If Opportunities Don't Knock Your Door, Then Build Up The Door | Success Story Of Ms. Kajal Daga

 Kajal Daga,  a life skills trainer and a Psychologist. She also undertakes one on one counselling sessions along with group training and has started an initiative named as Soul Console. She trains parents as well for children's behaviour modification. She aspires to be a trainer as it focuses on day to day challenges everyone's life so that we can overcome that at initial stages. 

Motto- Buy Bloom, Not Gloom

#kajaldaga, #soulconsole, #psychologist, #psychiatrist, #counselling, #therapist, #definitionofpsychology, #humanpsychology, #counsellingpsychology, #psychoananalysis, #socialpsychology

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Stress Free Education & Life With Brain Infinity | Success Story Of Mr. Vikas Nagru

 Stress-Free Education & Life With Brain Infinity | Success Story Of Mr Vikas Nagru - Co-Founder Brain Infinity, Co-Founder Hopes & Dreams International School, Career Consultant, Mind Trainer. 

Click on the link to watch his complete video

Awarded for Bravery in Feb 1999. Recipient of 8 in-house awards from Development Credit Bank. Working Experience with Development Credit Bank, ABN Amro Bank, Fullerton India Credit Company Limited. N. Raghuraman (Management Guru) published an article in India's leading newspaper Dainik Bhaskar appreciating his methods and achievements. Featured by Dainik Bhaskar, Rajasthan Patrika. Featured by Big FM 92.7. Featured by Zee New Rajasthan. Featured by Awaaj India News Channel. Career Counsel & trained over 10,000 parents for effective parenting. Trained 18000 students & 18 Schools & 9 Institutes on Stress-Free Education. Running Train the trainer program - become a certified mind trainer & Mentor Coach.


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Thursday, September 3, 2020

How to prepare yourself for a successful journey of 21st Century | Success story, Dr. Shama Hussain

 She is a multi-talented educational professional, lecturer, leadership trainer, soft-skills trainer, life coach and mind-trainer as well. 

She believes that the CEOs of the companies can be hired due to IQ but can be fired due to lack of emotional intelligence - so one needs to transform and upgrade.

Click on the link to watch her complete video'

#drshamahussain, #mindtrainer, #lifecoach, #coaching, #whatisalife, #coachingmeaning, #coachinginstitute, #businesscoach, #careercoach, #executivecoach, #certifiedlifecoach, #leadershipcoach, #howtobecomealifecoach, #lifecoachnearme, #whatisalifecoach, #performancecoaching, #coachingmentoring

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Global Records and Research Foundation (G.R.R.F.) | Success Story Of Mr. Manmohan Rawat

 GRRF is a premier ‘Center of Excellence’ in standardization, uniformity and benchmarking circumstances worldwide. These pillars constitute basics in the measurement of human achievements.

Click on the link below to watch the complete story

An affordable, accessible and accountable platform for Talents across the globe and national, Asian and level.

Global Records and Research Foundation (G.R.R.F.) is a ‘Premier Records Processing Authority’ in the field of Standardization, Uniformity and Measurement of Records globally. These pillars constitute basics in the measurement of human achievements including amazing, extraordinary, unusual and breathtaking records@ It is a collaboration of multidisciplinary groups, institutions and record books. G.R.R.F. is dedicated to initiate and lead the projects and research in Standardization, Uniformity and Consistency in measuring techniques.

‘Uniform and Standardized Procedures’ are hallmarks of the Global Records and Research Foundation. It will provide one of the best experiences in evaluation and measurement of human achievements/feats in every possible sphere of life. ‘Affordability, Accessibility and Accountability’ will be guiding principles of ‘Global Records and Research Foundation’

Source of information is and

#manmohanrawat, #grrfrecords, #globalrecords, #centerofexcellence, #talentsacrossglobe, #processingauthority, #standardization, #premierrecords, #evaluation, #guidingprinciples, #humanachievements, #bestexperiences, #sphereoflife, #measuringtechniques, #consistency, #uniformity, #hallmarks, #accountability