Thursday, July 30, 2020

How to connect and help your customers digitally in COVID times | Success Story of Rashmi Kapoor, Udaipur

Anything done with soul and heart with complete sincerity is no less than social service. She always wanted to be a business woman & has been successfully working as a financial advisor for last 14 years.

YouTube Link to watch her story

#rashmikapoor, #financialadvisor, #maxlifeinsurance, #financialmanagement, #financialplanner, #financialservices, #wealthmanagement, #investmentplanner, #financialcompanies, #retirementplanning, #certifiedfinancialplanners, #moneymanagers, #financialconsultant, #investmentmanager, #investmentadvisor, #financialplanningandanalysis,

Sunday, July 26, 2020

How to make it BIG in the City of dreams, Mumbai | Success Story of Anirrbaan Ghosh | Brand F1irst

He always had a dream of making it BIG. Of moving to a big city, like a metro and fulfilling all his dreams. He also had his initial struggles, but he could make it.

Mr. Anirrbaan Ghoshh is from Mumbai and is the founder of Brand F1irst advertising agency. They are into creating high impact digital consumer engagement campaigns.

They have almost all the major FMCG brands across India.

Watch his complete story on YouTube link

#anirrbaanghoshh, #brandf1irst, #advertisingagency, #ads, #advertisement, #marketing, #branding, #campaigns, #billboards, #strategicmarketing, #advertisingagencies, #ado, #typesofadvertising, #marketingservices, #whatisadvertisement, #targetmarketing, #meaningofadvertisement, #adworld, #onlineadvertising, #adad, #marketingplans, #smallbusinessideas, #businessideas, #newspaperadvertising, #classifiedadvertising, #definitionofadvertisement, #publicity, #advertisingexamples, #englishadvertisement, #commercialadvertisment

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Certified Soft Skills Trainer | Ek Nayee Disha Foundation | Success story of Ms. Jyoti Das, Hyderabad

The Goal is to reach out to as many as people possible and help them transform!

Since childhood she always believed that everyone needs a mentor. That is where she decided to help and mentor people who need it.

Started an NGO "Ek Nayee Disha Foundation"

This foundation takes care of the elderly people for their medical needs. This NGO reaches out to people and educates them to how take care of their elders.

She imparts learning and development to working professionals.

#jyotidas, #eknayeedishafoundation, #learninganddevelopment, #smallbusinessideas, #businessideas, #nlp, #training, #learning, #leadership, #humanresources, #traininganddevelopment, #medicalcare, #elderlycare, #transformation, #followyourpassion, #believeinyourself, #everyoneneedsamentor, #medicalneeds, #educates

Sunday, July 19, 2020

A Techie turns astrologer | Past Life and Future Life Solutions | Success story of Astrologer Divyashree

She was earlier working with an IT company at a very senior position and had trained more than 5000 professionals of all ages during her tenure as an employee. By qualification she is a BE in telecommunications (Engineer), masters in software systems. She was basically a software professional.

During the recession, due to 3G, she quit her job and started Diva Foundation, that aims to bring out the spiritual diva inside us.

Click on the link to watch her complete story

#astrologerdivyashree, #techieturnsastrologer, #horoscope, #horoscopetoday, #zodiacsign, #dailyhoroscope, #kundli, #virgohoroscopetoday, #leohoroscopetoday, #librahoroscopetoday, #arieshoroscopetoday, #numerology, #astrologytoday, #horoscopematching, #geminihoroscope, #weeklyhoroscope, #capricornhoroscopetoday, #astrologysigns, #astrologyintamil, #leohoroscope, #taurushoroscope, #horoscopeinhindi, #todayshoroscopes, #pisceshoroscope, #virgoshoroscope, #aquariushoroscope

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

A Banker turned into International NLP Trainer & Yoga Therapist! Success story of Anupama Mishra

In her career, she started as an operations manager with a reputed bank. She was facing a lot of health issues while in job. She was surprised to find out that the reasons for all the health issues was her stress. She decided to take charge.

When she observed improved in her overall quality of life due to Yoga & NLP, she decided to start her own practice.

She started "The Core Alignment". Connection with your own self, with your own unlimited potential. Neuro Linguistic Programming is a set of tools, techniques and ideas to enhance the quality of life. NLP is a set of tools and ideas to enhance the quality of life. She now takes personal life coaching, NLP trainings, Yoga trainings. You may visit her website

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Sunday, July 12, 2020

The journey of a thousand miles begins with the very first step I The Spoken English Factory I Success Story of Mr. Sanjay Bakshi

The first step is actually what makes all the difference. It is also the most challenging and difficult things to do. 

Sanjay Bakshi (Founder & Chief Mentor), The Spoken English Factory | Faridabad & New Delhi 

His entrepreneurial journey started in the year 2013. He has worked with lot of corporates before starting his own venture. There was something that was giving him a lot of unrest all the while he was working as an employee. 

He wanted to do more for the society. 

The Spoken English Factory - Helps in people to have better communication skills, oratory skills, writing skills. 

#sanjaybakshi, #thespokenenglishfactory, #firststep, #spokenenglish, #englishspeaking, #englishspeakingcourse, #learnenglish, #learningles, #howtolearnenglish, #howtospeakenglish, #englishconversation, #spokenenglishclasses, #amitabhbachchanaishwaryarai, #shubhammishraagrimajoshuavideo, #nasacometneowiseindia, #itolizumabcovidbiocon, #realmec11mobileprice, #bollywoodactoranupamkher, #internationalflightsfromindia, #yesbankfpoprice, #amazonquizanswerswin, #cbseclassxresults, #nationalsimplicityday, #dailyhoroscopeastrology, #tamilnadufakesbibranch, #bhojpurisongsbhojpuriganavideo, #coronavirusvaccines

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Quality always pays, be it today or tomorrow I Success story of RISING IELTS STUDIO, Dr. Ruchi Uppal

Dr. Ruchi Uppal, belongs to the CITY BEAUTIFUL CHANDIGARH. Post graduated from GCG 11, Chandigarh.

Her belief is - Quality always pays, be it today or tomorrow. But the spirits needs to be high and goal SET.
She started RISING CAREERS with IELTS training & communication skills and interview preparation for students.

There was a struggle which was going among many - struggle for some kind of guidance, counselling, enlightenment. Motivation on social, personal and professional level.

RISING CARERRS  is now RISING IELTS STUDIO, Sector 35, Chandigarh.

Watch her complete story on YouTube

#drruchiuppal, #risingieltsstudio, #risingcareers, #ieltsexam, #idpielts, #ieltsexamdates, #toefl, #britishcouncilielts, #ieltsresults, #idpieltsresult, #idpresult, #smallbusinessideas, #businessideas, #ieltswritingtask2, #ieltsexamfee, #ieltsonlinetest, #ieltsmocktest, #ieltsspeakingtopics, #britishcouncilieltsresult, #wishesgurupurnimamessagesquotes, #chandragrahanlunareclipse, #coronavirusvaccinesinindia, #dailyhoroscopeastrology, #hindimoviesushantsinghrajput, #reliancejiomeetingapp,